
Tuesday, July 13, 2010


MUET stands for Malaysian University English Test.There are four components in MUET: Listening(800/1)-(45 scores),
Speaking(800/2)-(45 scores) 
Reading(800/3)-(120 scores)
Writing(800/4)-(90 scores).
Total:300  mrks

The scores are graded in 6 Bands,with band 6 as highest and band 1 the lowest.
Band 1 :below 100
Band 2:101-139
Band 3:140-179
Band 4:180-219
Band 5:220-259
Band 6:260-300

I think i am somewhere in between band 3,high band 2,i guess? (I am humble XD )
I havent undergo the test yet,as still in lower 6.Intensely curious which standard am i.I know same goes with you too,right ?ahaha.
Dont worry,i will proclaim it here,just stay with me.haha.Smirking ><

My target is band 5.Oh no i should say i need to achieve at least band 5.I guess you know why ?check it out at my profile intro there :) 
Move on.An amusing story to share here.In precise,i am dishing the dirt hahahaha.
My competent MUET teacher,Mdm Cheong asked a question to us after we had finished our task B/discussion in Speaking section.

She asked:so,what do you think?is it hard or easy?
Instantly,about 98 percent of us replied with a YES and nodding for non-stop.
Except the one and only one,miss annoying classmate:Nola,EASYYYYYYYY

WE all were stunned.Wth this silly classmate,engsuckslikewhatsaiditiseasy?!something wrong with her brain.neurones transmitted the signals

Jessica and i retorded:wahhh somebody is going to get band 6 wooohh,proud of her eh!

Obviously,it is a sarcastic remark.She is too arrogant and no self-sense to  me.With her standard,she dares to look down and criticize others.What an imprudent student.ashame.Dont she know how to pay others some respect instead of showing off?BTW,she doesnt possessed any abilities to impress off tak tahu ape benda.LOL
fed up with her arrogant and disdainful behaviour.That's why she appeared in my blog.TWICE for instant.

Back to topic,MUET.I think that it is a challanging test especially for us who do not practise english since young.,who have own mothertough.Toward this,teacher advocates us to speak in english everyday :) And  i am trying ..need sometimes to get used it.Bye bye mandarin,i only have approximately half yrs to brush up my poor english.feeling guilty for sacrificing you   haha X) For the sake of my future,please forgive me,miss mandarin ohaha!

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