
Wednesday, May 2, 2012


网友说当时CO CHAIRMAN,DR.S.AMIGA宣布叫大家离开要结束集会后警员才利用TEARGAS.因此我和她都为此感到懊恼,都解散了为什么还要利用催泪瓦斯呢?DR.S. AMIGA  ALLEGEDLY来了一句:I COULDN’T CONTROL THE SUPPORTERS.所以有可能有一部分的继续利用暴力不肯离开所以警方才逼不得已利用有着暂时性伤力的催泪瓦斯.就这样也让无辜的人一起中伤。这是一种对作恶的示威者的惩罚,那利用暴力滥用权力的的警员呢?谁来处置他们?(HOME MINISTER: WE’RE INVESTIGATING.
因为在Dataran Merdeka 游行会带来不堪设想的后果,政府已下令让游行示威者在别处游行却被拒绝了,那这又是谁的错呢?如果两方你让一步我让一步也许下场就不会那么糟糕。利用催泪瓦斯是政府的意愿吗?政府的动机是什么?这次游行示威者的动机又是什么?是善是恶?内情又是这么?真相又是什么?我们旁观者什么都不知道凭什么说谁对谁错?凭良心
这都是THE CONSEQUENCES ! 现在大家都纷纷讨论着谁要为此付上责任,你怪我我怪你。是不是怪了其中一方就叫讨回公道?就可以当什么事都没发生?是不是就叫解决此事?
The freedom that we have, to certain extent, is undisputable. We’ve the right to speak up and demonstrate but the privilege comes with terms and conditions. We’ve rules to follow, we’ve regulations to obey. Freedom doesn’t mean we can do anything without thinking the consequences or repercussions. Regarding this assembly, it’s detrimental to our national securities and interests. It’s not easy to achieve the balance between these two aspects with the rights and freedom that Malaysians possess. I wonder after all of these effects or sacrifices, the injuries and damages, is this assembly has achieved its goals? I don’t know and who can actually tell? One thing that can calms us down is that the concerns and submissions that expressed by the Bersih group have been addressed by Parliamentary Select Committee. I hope it would bring out a positive change and improvement for our country. It is a challenge for the authorities to implement the recommendations and if they succeed, this demonstration would at least mean something after it has taken its tolls.
To wrap my shits up, I am on the view that the persons to be blamed are not the entire team of the police force but some of the undisciplined ones. Same goes with the demonstrators, we should not blame the chairman or the entire demonstrators but only some of which aggressive, reckless and irresponsible.(我们不可以偏盖全.) Merely because I believe there’re part of the policemen that intended to care for the welfare of the country and the people. All they wanted was just to play their roles and carry out their duties. I do also believed that part or most of the innocent demonstrators were just intended to demand for a positive change. To most of them, the violence wasn’t intentional at all. But then, there’re always unpredictable side effects of anything.
To the people, we’ve to be grateful for everything that we have. Just like what Dr. Ongkili has said, we should count our blessings as there are not many countries that they could truly call home like Malaysia with all the stability, progress and peace that we enjoy.
If you’re so passionate and enthusiastic about the positive change of our country, don’t show them through irrationality, anger or madness because after all we’re a family. Peacefulness always comes first. We’re civilized people; let’s do things with the correct ways.
『就念在大家是一家人的份上,let bygones be bygones. I hope this could somehow lessen your disappointment my friend. We’ve to always listen to the both sides to before going for the discretion. 我相信两方都有苦衷啊!把那根刺留在心里只是在折磨自己啊,尽早把它给拔掉吧!』

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