
Sunday, April 24, 2011

New background!

Changed the layout of my blog just now.
It looks pretty unique and smells vintage right?
Stop decorating my blog into fancy and eye-catching one,instead,turning into elegance and calm kind of thing.
Today is my second last day of my short holidays.
Two days were spent unproductively.Merely did a little bit of my homework.
They were rather interesting.I learned the way of cutting onion into balance cubes neatly,from my boyfriend who is currently taking diploma in Culinary Arts.He starts to learnt those western side dishes and desserts,before move to main dishes.Besides,I was lucky enough to try out his hand-made delicious sardine rolls.

We cooked fried chicken with spicy alluring sauce too :D Well,I cant agree more that it was really toothsome.Yummmyyy and it looks pretty good externally.Decorated with chili that have squid legs.It was sliced into small tiny parts with it head left uncut.Dip it into water for mins and its sliced parts will beautifully open up,sort of like blooming flower.

Shall get back to work now!Air kisses!